December 2020 Notes

As the year 2020 comes to a close, the Upper Kiewa Valley Community Association sends out Season’s Greetings to All.  Thank you for your support and interest in the UKVCA throughout the year.

Here are some DOs and DON’Ts for the last weeks of the year:……

  • DO make some time to enjoy the extended walk/shared trail along the West Kiewa River.  The trail is now sealed approximately 900 metres beyond Pebble Beach/Corner Pool.  This work was funded by the Victorian State Government under the “Pick My Project’ program.  UKVCA hope you enjoy this trail.
  • If you have overlooked renewing your UKVCA 2020 membership, here are the details:  In person or on-line at the Mt. Beauty Community Bank in Hollonds Street.                      BSB: 633 000     A/c No. 156 980 120   A/c Name:  UKVCommunity Association Inc.     Annual M’ship is $10 per household.  Please put your name on the transaction and email UKVCA with the date and your name:
  • DON’T forget to prepare your property for summer.  It is essential that your property is cleared of any long and dead grass or vegetation..  In the case of a fire emergency this is the first thing that will be impacted by ember attack.  Alpine Shire does have a Fire Prevention Enforcement Officer.  If you are concerned about a non-compliant property in your neighbourhood, contact Alpine Shire with the details.  This will be forwarded  for investigation, anomymously,  by the Fire Prevention Enforcement Officer.  Send your concerns to
  • Finally, DO have an happy, healthy and safe Christmas and New Year.


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