Many of you receiving this post are paid up members of the UKVCA and some of you are lifelong members. We thank you for your ongoing support

However, we wish to appeal to those of you who are currently not members but have been paid up members at some time in the last seven years.

Since the UKVCA was formed in September 2012, it has completed many projects, some of which are:

  1. Establishing the Honour Rock in Hydro Park, which was named following results of a community survey organised by UKVCA.
  2. Nominating citizens and organisations for the Alpine Shire Australia Day   Awards, many of whom have been winners.
  3. Representing the community at Alpine Shire Council meetings and developing stronger working relations with both staff and Councillors. At UKVCA’s request, for the past 3  years, we have had a Council meeting held in Mt. Beauty.  The Association has also provided members for panels deciding on Shire Community and Events grants.
  4. In 2013, the first annual Community Forum was held to which all three levels of Government have been invited, allowing the community direct consultation with their local representatives.
  5. Cleaning up the open space area opposite the AGL offices, with more work still to be completed there.
  6. Being granted Victorian Government “Pick My Project” funding to extend the track from Pebble Beach along the West Kiewa River.  This project will be completed by  March, this year.
  7. Establishment of TReK (Towards Renewable energy Kiewa), a group working to introduce environmentally sound power supply to the Kiewa Valley.
  8. Support is given to many other community groups and their projects, such as the work on the West Kiewa River picnic area.
  9. There are many other smaller completed projects providing benefits in our community.

However, the Association is now faced with a major concern.  With more projects being proposed which require working input, we must take out Public Liability insurance.  This does not come cheaply and will cost between $700 and $800 annually.  As a non- profit organisation, we do not have the funds to cover this annually and so we need to seek additional funding.  We have looked for support from government funds but they cannot be used for this type of expenditure.  So we must turn to you, our community.  Our simple request is,  for those of you who are no longer financial members, to renew your membership ASAP by simply paying $10 into the UKVCA bank account, details below.

We thank you for your attention to this information and hope you can see your way to give us your financial support.

BANKING DETAILS:Please provide your name and membership to the bank to show on the UKVCA account.
Bendigo Bank
• Upper Kiewa Valley Community Association Inc.
• BSB:  633 000
• Account No: 156 980 120

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